地址: | 河北省泊頭市道東街88号 |
電話: | 0317-8185077 |
0317-8263980 | |
0317-8223128 | |
傳(chuán)真: | 0317-8265584 |
E-mail: | hbydby@126.com |
噴膠泵用(yòng)NYP7.0-RU-M1-W51不鏽鋼高粘度泵配YCJ71-2.2KW減速(sù)機 |
發(fā)布時(shí)間(jiān):2015-2-27 8:24:38 點擊次數: |
河北遠東泵業制造有限公司坐落于鑄造名鄉—河北(běi)省泊頭市。公司占地面積38650平方(fāng)米,建築面積20300平方(fāng)米,是國内著名的(de)集設計、鑄(zhù)造、生産、銷售、服務于(yú)一體的(de)容積泵專業制造(zào)廠家(jiā)。公司(sī)始建(jiàn)于1984年(nián),有二十幾年專業研制經驗。目前産品設計采(cǎi)用國際先進水平實體設計軟件;産品研發、制(zhì)造、檢驗、交(jiāo)付按照ISO9001質量管理體(tǐ)系控制過程質量;産品制造廣(guǎng)泛使用加工中心、數控機床、專(zhuān)用(yòng)精機、高精設備;檢(jiǎn)測(cè)設備擁有萬能工具顯微鏡、漸開線檢(jiǎn)測儀、光學投影儀、萬能測齒儀、脈沖輝光離子氮化爐(lú)等大型檢測設備,并建有國家B級試驗站。本廠以一流的産品水平、優(yōu)質的售後服務、恪守(shǒu)信用而在市場上倍受歡迎,産品(pǐn)暢銷不衰,赢得了用戶(hù)的普遍贊譽。公司已通過ISO9001:2000國際質量體系認(rèn)證,中國船級社CCS型式認證(zhèng),法國船(chuán)級社BV産品(pǐn)工廠認證,美國船級(jí)社ABS産品質量認證,中國漁業船舶檢驗局船用泵認證,成為中石油物(wù)資資源市場成員、中石化物(wù)資資源(yuán)市場成員。河北省知名産品生産企業(yè),船用泵産品承制企業。Hebei far east pump industry manufacturing co., LTD is located in botou city, hebei province, a casting of the township.The company covers an area of 38650 square meters, construction area of 20300 square meters, is the domestic famous design, casting, production, sales and service in one of the positive displacement pump professional manufacturer.Company was founded in 1984, has 20 years experience in professional development.The current product design adopts the international advanced level entity design software;Product research and development, manufacture, inspection, delivery, in accordance with the ISO9001 quality management system of process quality control;Widely used products manufacturing processing center, numerical control machine tools, precision machine, high precision equipment;Testing equipment has universal tool microscope, involute tester, optical projector, universal gear tester, pulse glow ion nitriding furnace and other large-scale testing equipment, and built national B level test station.The factory with the first-class products, excellent after-sales service, abide by credit and popular in the market, the products sell well and win the user's universal praise.The company has passed ISO9001:2000 international quality system certification, China classification society CCS type approval, bureau veritas BV products factory certification, the United States classification society ABS product quality certification, China's Marine fishing vessel inspection bureau pump certification, has been a member of the material resource market in oil, sinopec material resources market member.Well-known products production enterprise in hebei province, Marine pump products enterprises. 公司以“泊遠東”牌齒輪泵,螺杆泵為主導(dǎo)産品,涉及21個系列,4200多種規格,年生産能力達43000多台(套)。産品行銷油田、化(huà)工、電力、船舶、冶金、食品等(děng)各大行業。産品除滿足國内客商的(de)需求外,部分出口(kǒu)至東南亞、美(měi)洲、歐洲等國家和地區。公司在全國各大城市設有30多個分(fèn)支(zhī)機構,并建立了完善的營銷服務網絡(luò),擁有一支龐(páng)大敬業的營銷服務隊伍(wǔ),可為廣大客戶(hù)提供優質的服務。 公司以嚴謹(jǐn)的質(zhì)量體系、先進的生産設備、完善的檢測手段、豐富的制造(zào)經驗、務真求實的遠東團隊,來有效保證産品質量。以滿腔真誠期待與國内外各(gè)界人士攜手鑄就多(duō)方共赢的輝煌。Company to "moored far east" brand gear pump, screw pump for the leading product, involves the 21 series, more than 4200 kinds of specifications, annual production capacity of more than 43000 Taiwan (sets).Product marketing oilfield, chemical industry, electric power, shipbuilding, metallurgy, food and other major industry.Products in addition to meet the needs of domestic customers, some exports to southeast Asia, the americas, Europe and other countries and regions.The company has more than 30 branches in major cities throughout the country, and established a perfect marketing service network, has a large professional marketing services team, can provide the high quality service for the customers.Companies with strict quality system, advanced production equipment, perfect detection means, rich manufacturing experience and WuZhen strives for the far east team, to effectively ensure the quality of products.To sincerely look forward to working with people from all walks of life both at home and abroad hand in hand to own a bright multi-win-win situation.
我公(gōng)司是一個生産齒輪油泵和螺杆泵的專業公(gōng)司。公(gōng)司擁有各種設(shè)備80台,主要設備有:C6140 CW 我公司擁有省計量局制試驗台1台,自制試驗台3台,使生(shēng)産産品從(cóng)原材料投入到(dào)産成品出廠實現了(le)全過(guò)程檢(jiǎn)測。産品出廠合格率 100% ,具備較強的綜(zōng)合配套制(zhì)造能(néng)力。理化試驗室(shì)、長度計量室是(shì)國家計量确認(rèn)合格單位,使産品從原材料投入到産成品出廠實現了全過程檢測。産品出廠合格率100% ,具備(bèi)較強(qiáng)的綜合配套制造能力,公司(sī)年可生産(chǎn)各種泵 6000 多台。My company has the province system test bench 1 bureau of standard measurement, homemade test-bed 3 units, production of products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 100%, have strong ability of comprehensive manufacturing.Physical and chemical laboratory, length measuring room is the national metrological confirmation unit, make our products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 100%, have strong comprehensive manufacturing capacity, company can produce all kinds of pump in more than 6000 units.
公司傳真:0317-8265584 8185455 技術部:0317-8260535 貨物發運部:0317-8180755 售後服務部:0317-8250309 地(dì)址:河北省泊頭市道東街88号( 緊鄰104國(guó)道,距(jù)京滬高速5公裡) 運費(fèi)說明: 1.本公司常規産品1-3天發貨,特殊要求或者需定做的産品發貨時間已與客戶(hù)協商為準(zhǔn), 2.泵運費方(fāng)式有兩種:快遞和物流.小泵和小型(xíng)配件(jiàn)發快遞,其餘體積較大,數量較多,推薦走專線物流貨運,一般南(nán)方,中部地區及沿(yán)海地區3-5天左右到(dào)達.西部,北部較遠的地區以及少數二次中轉地區5-8天左右可到,具體覆蓋範圍請(qǐng)咨詢公司客服人員(yuán).安裝使用:請(qǐng)您根據産品說明書的步驟進(jìn)行操作,如有問題,請(qǐng)聯系我公司,我公司将會請最專業的技術人員為(wéi)您提供服務.為(wéi)了保護(hù)您的利(lì)益,我(wǒ)們已經提醒客戶在收到貨物時,要開箱驗貨,如在(zài)打開(kāi)驗貨時發現貨(huò)物丢失(shī),損害或(huò)者不符,請拒絕簽(qiān)收,您簽收就代表(biǎo)已準确無誤的收到後屋(wū),若在簽收貨(huò)物之後才(cái)發現貨物丢失或者不符,如(rú)不負責. 客戶收到貨後,産品(pǐn)無法安裝或者規格有誤,本公司提供(gòng)退貨或者換貨服務,退貨或者換貨的客戶(hù)請保證貨物的完(wán)好無損,并承擔往返運費. 客(kè)戶收到(dào)後(hòu),如果産品存在質量問題,請在收貨後7天内聯系我公司,提供相關質量問題圖片,我公司将在第一時間給您退貨(huò)或者(zhě)換貨,因為我公司已經在發貨(huò)前已經仔(zǎi)細檢查(chá)過,所以過期将不提供此項(xiàng)服務(wù),還請諒解.Shipping details:1. Our regular products 1-3 days of delivery, special requests or need to custom-made product delivery time is already negotiate with customer, 2. The pump freight way has two kinds: express and logistics. Small pump and small accessories send express, the rest of the volume is larger, the number is more, recommend special line logistics, freight, generally south, central and coastal area about 3 to 5 days to arrive. In the west, north of remote areas and areas inhabited by minority secondary transit, about five to eight days to specific coverage please consulting company customer service staff. Install and use, please according to the product manual steps, if any problem, please contact our company, we advise you that we will be the most professional and technical personnel to provide service for you. In order to protect your interests, when we have to remind the customer receive the goods, unpacking inspection, such as when open the inspection found that the goods lost, damage or discrepancy, please refuse to sign after receiving STH, you sign after receiving STH means have accurate received after the house, if after receipt of goods found the goods didn't agree lost or, if not responsible. Customers after receiving the goods, the product can't install or specification is wrong, the company provides the return or exchange service, return or exchange the customers please make sure that the goods are intact, and bear the freight back and forth. The receipt of the customer, if the product quality problems, please contact me within 7 days after receiving the company, provide relevant quality problem photos, our company will give you a refund or a replacement in the first time, because I already have carefully checked before shipment, so late will not provide this service, also please understand. ●高粘度(dù)齒(chǐ)輪(lún)泵(bèng)并不能産生壓(yā)力,它隻是輸出流量。壓力低或無壓力,說明高粘度(dù)齒 輪泵沒有吸(xī)入(rù)液體或洩漏嚴重(zhòng)。High viscosity gear pump does not generate pressure, it is only the output flow.Pressure is low or no pressure, high viscosity gear wheel pump don't inhale the liquid or leakage is serious. 電動機輸出功(gōng)率偏小、齒 輪泵排量選得過大或壓力調得過高時,也會造成壓力不足 當然,壓力表損壞或(huò)壓力表節流孔堵塞時也顯示不出(chū)壓力,此時可換裝一個新的壓力表檢查。Small motor output power, gear wheel pump capacity to choose too large or pressure too high, can cause stress Pressure gauge damage or pressure gauge orifice jams, of course, also could not show pressure, can change a new pressure gauge to check at this time. 如果确認泵無流量(liàng)輸出,可(kě)能是由于泵安裝有誤、泵的轉向不對,或吸人側(進液口及吸液管道(dào))堵塞(sāi)、出口止回(huí)閥裝反或卡死了,也有可能是驅動軸斷裂(liè)了。If confirmed that no flow pump output, could be turned to the pumps due to pump installation is wrong, wrong, or suction side (liquid into the mouth and suck liquid pipeline jam, export check valve installed backwards, or card is dead, it is possible that the drive shaft fracture. 高粘度泵在轉速過低時會引起出液量不足,這種現象往往是由于泵的驅動裝置打滑或功率不足所緻。此時應檢查齒(chǐ) 輪泵的實際轉速、泵與(yǔ)電動機的聯接及功率(lǜ)匹配情況等。High viscosity pump in low speed can cause insufficient quantity of produced liquid, this phenomenon is often due to the slippage of the pump drive or insufficient power.Check the gear wheel pump at this time of the actual speed, pump and motor connection and power matching, etc.
●高粘度泵在(zài)開始運轉前,往齒輪(lún)泵的殼體内灌滿待輸送的液體,便于安全啟動。若(ruò)環境溫度低于冰點(diǎn),應預先向泵内通入熱蒸汽,進行預熱處理,然後才可啟動齒輪泵。高(gāo)粘度泵的旋轉方(fāng)向要與進、出油口相符(fú)。齒輪泵若是第一次運行,或長(zhǎng)期(qī)閑置後再使用,最好在(zài)空載或小負荷情況下先跑合一小時左右。如(rú)果在跑合階段預先覺察出異常溫升、洩漏、振動和噪聲時,應停機檢查(chá)。高粘度齒輪泵的支座或法蘭與其(qí)驅動電機應采用(yòng)共同(tóng)的安裝基礎,基礎、法(fǎ)蘭或支座均需具有足夠的剛度,以(yǐ)減小齒輪(lún)泵運轉時産生的振動和(hé)噪聲。電動機與(yǔ)齒輪泵須用彈性聯(lián)軸器連接(jiē),同軸度小(xiǎo)于0.1毫米(mǐ),傾斜角不得大于(yú)1度。安裝聯軸器時不得用錘敲打,以(yǐ)免傷害齒輪泵的齒輪等零件。若用帶輪、鍊輪等驅動時應設托架支承(chéng),以防主動(dòng)齒輪軸承受徑向力。緊固齒輪泵、電動(dòng)機的(de)地腳螺釘時,螺釘(dìng)受力應均勻,連接可(kě)靠。用手轉動聯軸器時,應感覺到齒輪泵(bèng)能夠輕松地轉動,沒有卡緊等異常現象(xiàng)出現,然後才可以配管。High viscosity pump before starting work, to gear pump casing filled with liquid, facilitate safe launch.If the environment temperature is below freezing, should advance to pump into the hot steam, preheating treatment, and then to start the pump.The direction of rotation of the pump with high viscosity, oil outlet in accord.Gear pump is the first run, or long-term idle before using, had better under the condition of no load or small load to run one hour or so.If in the running-in stage in advance detect abnormal temperature rise, leakage, vibration and noise, should stop check.High viscosity gear pump bearing or flange should adopt a common drive motor installationFoundation, foundation, flange or support all needs to have enough rigidity, to reduce the vibration of gear pump is running and noise.Motor and gear pump with elastic shaft coupling, coaxial degree is less than 0.1 mm, Angle shall not be greater than 1 degree.When installing coupling hammer shall not be used, in order to avoid damage of the gear pump gearAnd other parts.If use the belt wheel, wheel, etc, shall set bracket support, in case of driving gear bearing by the radial force.Ground screw fastening gear pump, motor, screw force should be uniform, reliable connection.Turn the coupling with the hand, should feel can easily turn the gear pump, no abnormal phenomenon such as clamping, then can be piping. 高粘度齒輪泵的吸油管道内徑應足夠大,并避(bì)免(miǎn)狹(xiá)窄通道或急劇拐彎、減(jiǎn)少彎頭,去除不必要的閥門、附件,盡可能地(dì)降低泵的安裝高度,縮短吸油管道的長(zhǎng)度,以減少壓力損(sǔn)失。管接頭等元件(jiàn)的密封要良好,以防止空氣侵入,從而控制氣(qì)穴與氣蝕的發生。止回閥與安全閥在齒輪泵的輸出管路上最好安裝一個止回閥(fá)。這樣在檢修泵及輸出管道時,系統中的液體不會發生倒流。齒輪泵(bèng)帶負荷停車時,亦可防止泵倒轉而在其輸出管道内産生局(jú)部真空。應當注意,出口止(zhǐ)回閥不能裝反或(huò)出現卡(kǎ)死現象。高粘度泵的出口管路上(shàng)還應當設置安全閥等保護裝置,這樣(yàng)一旦泵的(de)出口通道發生堵(dǔ)塞(sāi),就可以打開安全閥卸壓。安全(quán)閥可以與泵體或泵(bèng)蓋鑄成一體,也可以單獨裝配。對于需要正反轉的高粘度齒輪泵,其進出口管(guǎn)路上均需(xū)設置安全閥(fá)。High viscosity gear pump oil suction pipe diameter should be large enough, and to avoid the narrow channel, or a sharp turn, reducing elbow, remove unnecessary valves, fittings, as much as possible to reduce the installation height of pump, shorten the length of the oil suction pipe, in order to reduce the pressure loss.Components, such as pipe joint sealed well, in order to prevent the air intrusion, thus control air-pocket and the occurrence of cavitation.Check valve and relief valve on the output of the gear pump tube had better install a check valve.In the overhaul pump and output pipe, the system of fluid backflow will not occur.Gear pump to stop loading machine, can be in the output pipe to prevent pump reverse, and create a partial vacuum.It should be noted that the outlet check valve cannot be installed backwards or stuck.High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.The relief valve can be cast and pump body and pump cover, also can separate assembly.For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve. 高粘度泵是輸送高粘度液體的齒輪泵(bèng),應做到在較低的功耗、較少的洩漏(lòu)、較大的壓力下輸出最多的流量。在确定所要輸送的介質時,應該嚴格遵循(xún)産品說明書上的規定(dìng),盡量使(shǐ)用廠家推薦的流體介質,并注意考慮系統的工作溫度範圍。當希望在某一較寬的溫度範圍内使用時,輸送介質的粘度指(zhǐ)數應該高些。輸送介質不僅是能量傳遞的(de)中介,而且也是潤滑、密封及傳熱介質。液體粘度過高會(huì)增加(jiā)内摩擦阻力,降(jiàng)低輸(shū)出功率,浪費能量,并産生過高的系統溫度.高粘度齒輪泵的出口管路(lù)上應當設置安全閥等保護裝置,這(zhè)樣一旦泵的出口通道發生堵塞,就可以打開安全閥卸壓。對于需要正反轉的高粘度齒輪(lún)泵,其進出口管路上均需設置安(ān)全閥。High viscosity pump is conveying liquid with high viscosity gear pump, should be in lower power consumption, less leakage, under the pressure of large output the most traffic.When determining to conveying medium, we should strictly follow the provisions of the product manuals on use manufacturers recommend fluid as far as possible, and pay attention to consider the system operating temperature range.When you want to use in a wide temperature range, medium viscosity index should be higher.Medium is not only the energy transfer intermediary, but also lubrication, sealing and heat transfer medium.Liquid viscosity is too high will increase internal friction resistance, lower output power, waste of energy, and generate high temperature system. High viscosity gear pump outlet pipe shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve. 1、工作壓力的選定(dìng)1, select the work pressure 高粘度泵額定的壓力是指泵(bèng)連續工作時的最高許用壓力,而其工作壓力則決定于外部負載,安裝(zhuāng)和調試的壽命(mìng)與其工作壓力直接(jiē)相關。對于不頻繁工作的齒輪泵,其工作壓力可取為泵的額(é)定壓力(lì),考(kǎo)慮到産品質量不同,最好将額定壓力降低20%~30%使用。對于經常工作于較高壓力下的齒輪泵,其工作壓力應比(bǐ)泵的額定壓力低1~2個壓力級。石油化工設備常常(cháng)是24小(xiǎo)時連續運轉,這時泵的(de)工作壓力應該取得比額定壓力低得多,且工作轉(zhuǎn)速也應該低于額定轉速。如果高粘度齒輪泵的工作壓力調整過高,則會使齒輪泵在超負(fù)荷下運行。High viscosity pump rated pressure refers to the maximum allowable pump continuous work pressure, and its working pressure is determined by the external load, installation and commissioning of life is directly related with work pressure.For not frequent work gear pump, the working pressure is desirable for the rated pressure of the pump, taking the quality into consideration, it is best to used pressure rated lower 20% ~ 30%.For often work under high pressure gear pump, the working pressure shall be lower than the rated pressure of the pump 1 ~ 2 pressure level.Petrochemical equipment are often 24 hours of continuous operation, and at this time of the pump working pressure should be obtained was much lower than the rated pressure, and the work speed should be lower than the rated speed.If the high viscosity gear pump high pressure adjustment, will make the pump running under overload. 2.安裝與試運轉(zhuǎn)2. Installation and commissioning 高粘度泵的支座或法蘭與其驅動電機應采用共同的安裝基礎,基礎、法蘭(lán)或支座均需具有足夠的剛度,以減小齒輪泵運轉(zhuǎn)時(shí)産生的振動和噪聲。電(diàn)動機與齒輪泵須用彈性聯軸器連(lián)接,同軸(zhóu)度小于(yú)0.1毫米,傾斜角不得大于1度。安裝聯軸器時不得用錘(chuí)敲打,以免傷害齒輪泵的齒輪(lún)等零件。若用帶輪、鍊輪等(děng)驅動時應設托架支承,以防主(zhǔ)動齒輪軸(zhóu)承受徑向力。緊固齒(chǐ)輪泵、電(diàn)動機(jī)的地腳螺釘(dìng)時,螺釘受(shòu)力應均勻,連接可靠。用手(shǒu)轉動聯軸器時,應(yīng)感(gǎn)覺到齒輪(lún)泵能夠輕松(sōng)地轉動(dòng),沒有卡緊等異常現象出現,然(rán)後(hòu)才可(kě)以配管。高粘度齒(chǐ)輪泵的吸油管道内徑應足夠大,并(bìng)避免狹窄通道或急劇拐彎、彎頭,去除不必要的閥門(mén)、附件,盡可能地降(jiàng)低泵的安(ān)裝高度,縮短吸(xī)油管(guǎn)道的(de)長度,以減少壓力損失。管接頭等元件的密封(fēng)要良好,以防止空氣侵入,從而控制氣穴與氣蝕的(de)發(fā)生(shēng)。在開始運轉前,往齒輪泵的殼(ké)體内灌滿待輸(shū)送的液體,便于安全動。若環境(jìng)溫度低于冰點,應(yīng)預先向泵内通入(rù)熱蒸汽,進行預熱處理,然(rán)後才可啟動齒輪泵。齒輪泵的旋轉方向(xiàng)要與進、出油口相符。齒輪泵若是第一次(cì)運行,或長期閑置後再使用,最好在空載或小負荷情況下先跑合一小時左右。如(rú)果在跑合階段預先覺出異常溫升、洩漏、振動和噪聲時,應機檢查。高粘度(dù)泵的出口管路上還應當設置安全閥等保護裝(zhuāng)置,這樣一旦泵(bèng)的出(chū)口通道(dào)發生堵塞,就可以打開安(ān)全閥卸(xiè)壓。對于需要正反轉的高粘度齒輪泵,其進出口(kǒu)管(guǎn)路上(shàng)均需設置安全閥。High viscosity pump bearing or flange and its drive motor should use common installation basis, foundation, flange or support all needs to have enough rigidity, to reduce the vibration of gear pump is running and noise.Motor and gear pump with elastic shaft coupling, coaxial degree is less than 0.1 mm, Angle shall not be greater than 1 degree.When installing coupling hammer shall not be used, in order to avoid damage gear and other parts of the gear pump.If use the belt wheel, wheel, etc, shall set bracket support, in case of driving gear bearing by the radial force.Ground screw fastening gear pump, motor, screw force should be uniform, reliable connection.Turn the coupling with the hand, should feel can easily turn the gear pump, no abnormal phenomenon such as clamping, then can be piping.High viscosity gear pump oil suction pipe diameter should be large enough, and to avoid the narrow channel, or a sharp bend, bend, remove unnecessary valves, fittings, as much as possible to reduce the installation height of pump, shorten the length of the oil suction pipe, in order to reduce the pressure loss.Components, such as pipe joint sealed well, in order to prevent the air intrusion, thus control air-pocket and the occurrence of cavitation.Before starting operation, to gear pump casing filled with liquid, easy to safety.If the environment temperature is below freezing, should advance to pump into the hot steam, preheating treatment, and then to start the pump.Direction of rotation of the gear pump, oil outlet in accord.Gear pump is the first run, or long-term idle before using, had better under the condition of no load or small load to run one hour or so.If in the running-in stage in advance the abnormal temperature rise, leakage, vibration and noise, should machine inspection.High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve.
●如(rú)何選型How to choice 選擇高(gāo)粘度泵時應該注意泵所輸送(sòng)的具體粘度、工作溫度(dù)、介質比重、介質成(chéng)分等等,隻有更好的了解高粘度泵所輸送的介(jiè)質情況才能更好的選(xuǎn)擇所需要的高粘度泵産品。 Should be paid attention to when selecting high viscosity pump pump delivery by the specific viscosity, working temperature, the proportion of medium, medium composition etc., only a better understanding of the high viscosity pump transmission medium condition can better choose the required high viscosity pump product. 第一、必須了解高粘度泵所輸送的介質粘(zhān)度(dù)。因(yīn)為介質粘度的高低直接影響(xiǎng)到選擇高粘度(dù)泵(bèng)的轉速。must understand the high viscosity pump transmission medium viscosity. Because the medium viscosity directly affects the choice of high viscosity pump speed. 第二、了解高粘度泵所輸送介質的性質(zhì),例如有沒(méi)有腐蝕性。understand the nature of the high viscosity pump conveying medium, such as corrosive. 第三、高粘度泵所輸(shū)送的介質濃度多(duō)少、比重多少。 high viscosity pump how far the conveying medium concentration, specific gravity. Fourth, 第四、高粘度泵所輸送的介質(zhì)。high viscosity pump transmission medium. 第五、高粘度泵輸送(sòng)的介質常(cháng)溫下是否結晶或凝固。the high viscosity pump whether the medium temperature of crystallization or coagulation. 第六、高粘度泵所輸送的介(jiè)質是否有懸浮物。the transmission medium for high viscosity pump suspension. 第七、高粘度泵所輸送介質(zhì)受溫度變化情況。high viscosity pump conveying medium affected by temperature changes. 第八、高粘度泵所(suǒ)輸送介質的潤滑性(xìng)、清潔度、腐蝕性等。high viscosity pump medium by lubricity, cleanliness, corrosion resistance, etc. 第九(jiǔ)、高粘度泵要求進口壓(yā)力及出口(kǒu)壓力和安裝高度。 high viscosity pump inlet pressure and outlet pressure and the installation height. 第十(shí)、高粘度泵使用場合的防爆要求(qiú)。high viscosity pump occasions of explosion-proof requirements. ●高粘度泵的安裝調試步驟High viscosity pump installation and debugging steps
高(gāo)粘度泵是輸送高粘度液體的齒輪泵,應(yīng)做到在較低的功耗、較少的洩漏、較大的(de)壓力(lì)下輸出最多的流量。在确(què)定所要輸送的介質時(shí),應該嚴格遵循産品說明書上的規定,盡量使用廠家推薦的流體介質,并注意考慮系統(tǒng)的工作溫度範圍。當希望在某一較寬的溫度範圍内使用時(shí),輸送介質的粘度指數應該高些。輸送介(jiè)質不僅是能量傳遞的中介,而且也是潤滑、密封及傳熱介質。液體(tǐ)粘度過高會增加内摩(mó)擦(cā)阻力,降低輸(shū)出(chū)功率(lǜ),浪費(fèi)能量,并産生過高的系(xì)統(tǒng)溫度.高粘度齒輪泵的出口管路上應當設置安全閥等保護裝置,這樣一旦泵的出口通道發生(shēng)堵塞,就可以打開安全閥卸壓。對(duì)于需要正反(fǎn)轉(zhuǎn)的高粘(zhān)度齒輪泵(bèng),其進出口管路上均需設置安全閥。High viscosity pump is conveying liquid with high viscosity gear pump, should be in lower power consumption, less leakage, under the pressure of large output the most traffic. When determining to conveying medium, we should strictly follow the provisions of the product manuals on use manufacturers recommend fluid as far as possible, and pay attention to consider the system operating temperature range. When you want to use in a wide temperature range, medium viscosity index should be higher. Medium is not only the energy transfer intermediary, but also lubrication, sealing and heat transfer medium. Liquid viscosity is too high will increase internal friction resistance, lower output power, waste of energy, and generate high temperature system. High viscosity gear pump outlet pipe shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief. For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve. 1、工作(zuò)壓力的選(xuǎn)定1, select the work pressure 高粘度泵額定的壓(yā)力是指泵連續工作時(shí)的最高許用壓力,而其工(gōng)作壓力則決定于外部負載,高粘度(dù)泵(聚氨酯泵,紙漿泵,粘合劑泵)的安裝和調試 的壽命與其工作壓力直(zhí)接相關。對于不(bú)頻繁工作的齒輪泵(bèng),其工作壓力可取為泵的額定(dìng)壓力(lì),考慮到産品質量不同,最好将額定(dìng)壓力降低(dī)20%~30%使用。對于(yú)經常工作于較高壓力下的齒輪(lún)泵,其工作壓力應比泵的額(é)定壓力低(dī)1~2個壓力級。石油(yóu)化工(gōng)設備常常是24小時連續運轉,這(zhè)時泵的(de)工作壓力(lì)應(yīng)該取得比額定壓力低得多,且工作轉速也應該低(dī)于額定轉速。如果高粘度齒輪泵的工作壓力(lì)調(diào)整過高,則會使齒輪泵在超負(fù)荷下運行。High viscosity pump rated pressure refers to the maximum allowable pump continuous work pressure, and its working pressure is determined by the external load, high viscosity pump (pu pump, paper pulp pump, glue pump) installation and commissioning of life is directly related with work pressure. For not frequent work gear pump, the working pressure is desirable for the rated pressure of the pump, taking the quality into consideration, it is best to used pressure rated lower 20% ~ 30%. For often work under high pressure gear pump, the working pressure shall be lower than the rated pressure of the pump 1 ~ 2 pressure level. Petrochemical equipment are often 24 hours of continuous operation, and at this time of the pump working pressure should be obtained was much lower than the rated pressure, and the work speed should be lower than the rated speed. If the high viscosity gear pump high pressure adjustment, will make the pump running under overload.
2.安裝與(yǔ)試運轉2. Installation and commissioning 高粘度泵的支座或法蘭與其驅動電(diàn)機應采用共同的安裝基礎,基礎、法蘭或支座均需具有足夠的剛度(dù),以減小齒輪泵運轉(zhuǎn)時産生的振動和噪聲。電(diàn)動機與齒輪泵須用(yòng)彈(dàn)性聯軸器連接,同軸度小于0.1毫米,傾斜角(jiǎo)不得(dé)大于1度。安裝聯軸器時不得用(yòng)錘敲打,以免傷害齒(chǐ)輪泵的齒輪等(děng)零件。若用帶輪、鍊輪等驅(qū)動時應設托架支承,以防主(zhǔ)動齒輪軸承受徑向力。緊固齒輪(lún)泵、電動機的地腳螺釘時,螺釘受力應均勻,連接可靠。用手轉動聯軸器時,應感覺到齒輪泵能夠輕松地轉動,沒有卡緊等異常現(xiàn)象出現,然後才可以配管。高粘度(dù)齒輪泵的吸油管道内徑應足夠大,并避免狹窄通(tōng)道或急劇拐彎、減少彎頭,去除不必要的閥門(mén)、附件,盡可能地降低泵的(de)安裝高度,縮短吸油管道的長度,以減少壓力損失(shī)。管接頭等元件的密(mì)封要(yào)良好,以防止空氣侵入,從而控制氣穴與氣蝕的發生。在開始運轉前,往齒輪泵的(de)殼體内灌滿待(dài)輸送(sòng)的(de)液體,便于安全啟動。若(ruò)環境溫度低于冰點,應預先向(xiàng)泵内通(tōng)入熱蒸汽(qì),進行預熱處理,然後才可啟動齒輪泵。齒輪泵的旋轉(zhuǎn)方向要與進、出油口相符。齒輪泵若是第一(yī)次運行,或長期閑置後再使用,最好在(zài)空載或小負荷情況(kuàng)下先跑合一小時左右。如果在跑合階段預先覺察出異常溫升、洩漏、振(zhèn)動和(hé)噪聲時,應機檢查。High viscosity pump bearing or flange and its drive motor should use common installation basis, foundation, flange or support all needs to have enough rigidity, to reduce the vibration of gear pump is running and noise. Motor and gear pump with elastic shaft coupling, coaxial degree is less than 0.1 mm, Angle shall not be greater than 1 degree. When installing coupling hammer shall not be used, in order to avoid damage gear and other parts of the gear pump. If use the belt wheel, wheel, etc, shall set bracket support, in case of driving gear bearing by the radial force. Ground screw fastening gear pump, motor, screw force should be uniform, reliable connection. Turn the coupling with the hand, should feel can easily turn the gear pump, no abnormal phenomenon such as clamping, then can be piping. High viscosity gear pump oil suction pipe diameter should be large enough, and to avoid the narrow channel, or a sharp turn, reducing elbow, remove unnecessary valves, fittings, as much as possible to reduce the installation height of pump, shorten the length of the oil suction pipe, in order to reduce the pressure loss. Components, such as pipe joint sealed well, in order to prevent the air intrusion, thus control air-pocket and the occurrence of cavitation. Before starting operation, to gear pump casing filled with liquid, facilitate safe launch. If the environment temperature is below freezing, should advance to pump into the hot steam, preheating treatment, and then to start the pump. Direction of rotation of the gear pump, oil outlet in accord. Gear pump is the first run, or long-term idle before using, had better under the condition of no load or small load to run one hour or so. If in the running-in stage in advance detect abnormal temperature rise, leakage, vibration and noise, should machine inspection.
高粘度泵的出口管路上還應當設置(zhì)安全閥等保護裝置(zhì),這樣一旦(dàn)泵的出口通道發生堵塞,就可(kě)以打開安全閥卸壓。對于需要正反轉的高粘度齒輪泵,其進(jìn)出口管路上均需設置(zhì)安全閥。High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief. For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve.
●輸送介質的優(yōu)勢:The advantage of the medium: 高粘度泵可以輸送高粘度、高濃度無固體顆粒或細小軟顆粒的潤滑性介質;效率高(gāo),性能穩定,使用壽(shòu)命長。高粘(zhān)度泵可以采用保溫夾套結(jié)構,輸送比較高(gāo)的粘度(dù)物料時可以對高粘度泵進行(háng)保溫,從(cóng)而降低介質粘度,達到(dào)更好的輸送效果,而單螺杆泵(bèng)沒有保溫夾套結構;高粘度泵在使用一段時間後(hòu),如(rú)果泵内部間隙磨損後,不用拆泵(bèng)可以自行根據高(gāo)粘度泵所輸送的物料粘度來調整泵的間隙,調(diào)整後和新泵一樣可以達到良好的使用(yòng)效果。高粘度泵可配安全閥(fá),當泵或(huò)管路系統超壓(yā)時,安全閥門打開,形成内部回(huí)流,保(bǎo)證系統安全。而單螺杆泵在泵本身不能設置安全(quán)閥,隻(zhī)能在管路(lù)中設置,提高了設備(bèi)投入(rù)成本和安裝成本。選擇高粘度泵時必須考慮高粘度泵(bèng)所輸(shū)送的介質(zhì)粘度,從而才能來确定高粘度泵的轉速範圍,根據高粘度泵的轉速範圍及所需工況條件下高粘度泵的(de)正常流量範圍(wéi),才能确定高粘度泵具體型号。需要注意的是一般介質可以這樣來選擇。High viscosity pump can transport high viscosity, high concentration without solid particles or small soft particles lubricity medium; High efficiency, stable performance and long service life. High viscosity pump can be used in a heat preservation jacket structure, transmission is higher when the viscosity of the material can be for thermal insulation in high viscosity pump, thereby reducing medium viscosity, achieve better transmission effect, and the single screw pump heat preservation jacket structure; High viscosity pump in use after a period of time, if the pump internal clearance after wear, don't have to dismantle the pump to according to the viscosity of material delivery by high viscosity pump to adjust the clearance between the pump and adjusted, and the use of the new pump can achieve good effect. High viscosity pump can match the relief valve, when the pump and piping system overpressure, safety valve is opened, the formation of internal reflux, ensure the safety of the system. And single screw pump in the pump itself cannot set the relief valve, can only be set up in line, increase the investment of equipment cost and installation cost. Choosing high viscosity pump must consider the conveying medium viscosity, high viscosity pump order to determine the scope of the high viscosity of the pump rotation speed, according to the working condition of high viscosity of the pump speed range and required high viscosity pump under the condition of normal flow range, to determine the high viscosity pump concrete models. It's important to note that it can be to choose a normal medium. 其中,有些特殊化學介質在一定(dìng)溫度下會改變其化學成(chéng)分,所以需要在選擇高粘度泵要特别注意泵的轉速是否适合,因為泵的轉(zhuǎn)速越高,正常工作中産生(shēng)的熱量就越大,一旦超過介質所限(xiàn)制的(de)溫度,那麼就多所輸送的介質(zhì)造成了破壞。還有些(xiē)食品類介質,比(bǐ)如(rú)果醬類,像我(wǒ)們日常中所食用的果醬、花生醬、豆(dòu)瓣醬等,這(zhè)些介質要(yào)求在輸送過程中必須不能夠破壞其内(nèi)部的成分進行破壞,這就要(yào)求我們所選的泵的轉(zhuǎn)速必須要低,才能保證高粘度泵在輸送過程中不破壞所輸送的介質(zhì)。高粘度泵在運轉過程中常常會(huì)出現卡死、抱軸轉(zhuǎn)不動的現象,主要原因是高粘度泵往往都是輸送的高粘度的介質,有(yǒu)些是有一(yī)些(xiē)雜質的混合物理。如果泵的入口沒有安裝合适的過濾器,那麼一旦大一(yī)些的硬質顆粒進(jìn)入泵腔就會把高粘度泵的内外轉子(zǐ)卡死,使泵轉不動,嚴(yán)重的會把(bǎ)高粘度泵的内外轉子(zǐ)毀掉。Among them, some special chemical medium under a certain temperature to change its chemical composition, so need to high viscosity pump in the choice whether to pay special attention to the speed of the pump is suitable for, because the higher the pump rotation speed, the greater the heat generated by the normal work, once more than media limited by temperature, then it is more than conveying medium caused damage. Also some food medium, such as the jam class, as in our daily consumption of jam, peanut butter, broad bean paste and so on, these medium requirements must be in the process of conveying can't destroy its internal composition, this requires that we selected the speed of the pump must be low, to ensure high viscosity pump does not destroy the transmission medium in the process of delivery. High viscosity pump in the operation process often appear stuck, holding shaft fixed phenomenon, the main reason is that high viscosity pump are often transport high viscosity medium, some are some impurities mixed in physics. If the entrance of the pump is not installed the appropriate filters, so once the larger hard particle enters the pump chamber would bring high viscosity pump rotor stuck inside and outside, make the pump turns motionless, serious will destroy high viscosity pump inside and outside of the rotor. 所(suǒ)以建議大(dà)家在安裝高粘度泵的時(shí)候應該選擇合适的過(guò)濾(lǜ)器來安裝在泵的入口。高粘度(dù)泵抱軸(zhóu)的現象主要體現在不鏽鋼高粘度泵(bèng)的較多,因為不(bú)鏽鋼材質含碳量低,所以熱膨(péng)脹系數大,一旦泵的溫度過高(gāo),就會造成(chéng)泵的内部配件(jiàn)與配件之間的間隙縮小(xiǎo),到一定程度以後就會産生抱死現象。所以選擇(zé)不鏽鋼材質的高粘度泵是一定要注明具體的使用(yòng)溫度,及介質的潤滑性。介質粘度的(de)高(gāo)低與高粘度泵的轉速有着密不可分(fèn)的關系。如果高粘度泵輸送的介質粘度過高,而(ér)所配的轉速也過高的話,就會造成泵的流量很低、泵的噪(zào)音很(hěn)大。如果(guǒ)電機功率還是按常規來(lái)配的話,那麼電機也會(huì)造成過載。主要是泵的轉速太高、介質粘度又太高這樣就(jiù)會造成泵阻力很大,電(diàn)機的瞬間啟動電流超過額定電流,造成(chéng)電機過載(zǎi);由于轉速過高,使高(gāo)粘度泵(bèng)在運轉時内部轉子幾(jǐ)乎隻是形成了空轉,圍繞所輸(shū)送介質打滑,造成吸不(bú)上料,或(huò)者是流(liú)量很小。在這種狀況下,必須降低泵的轉速,加大電機的功率,加大進出口(kǒu)的管徑來減少介(jiè)質的流動阻力。從而來(lái)完成介質的(de)輸送工(gōng)作。轉速降低以後,泵的流量會(huì)反而增加,而且泵的噪音會降低,但肯定打不到理論流量。所以如果與實際工況需要(yào)流量相差太多的話,那就隻能更好型号更大一點的泵。So suggest you at the time of installation of high viscosity pump should choose the appropriate filter to installed in the entrance of the pump. The phenomenon of high viscosity pump holding shaft mainly reflects in the stainless steel of high viscosity pump is more, because of low carbon stainless steel material, so the thermal expansion coefficient is big, once the temperature of the pump is too high, can cause the interior of the pump parts and accessories the clearance between the narrow, to a certain degree after tends to lock phenomenon. So choose stainless steel high viscosity pump is must indicate the specific temperature, and medium lubricity. The discretion of the medium viscosity and high viscosity pump rotating speed of the intimate relationship. If the high viscosity pump medium viscosity is too high, and with the rotation speed is too high, will cause the pump flow rate is very low, the noise of the pump is very large. If motor power or conventional match, then the motor can cause overload. Mainly is the pump speed is too high, medium and high viscosity resistance is very big, this will cause pump motor moment of starting current more than rated current, motor overload; Due to high speed, high viscosity pump inside the rotor is barely formed when running idle, surrounding medium by sliding, cause not feeding, or flow rate is small. Under this situation, we must reduce the speed of pump, increase the power of the motor, increase the import and export of pipe diameter to reduce the flow resistance of the medium. Thus to complete medium transport work. Speed is reduced, the pump flow rate will increase instead, and the noise of the pump will be lower, but certainly can't flow theory. So if you need to flow with the actual working condition differ too much, it can only be better model bigger pump. 高粘度泵(bèng)容易出現(xiàn)的另一個問題就是從動齒輪(lún)的銷軸容易磨損,特别是對于(yú)輸送沒有潤滑性的介質時,銷軸磨損特别快。對此我公司改進加工工藝在(zài)原有的基礎之上(shàng)通過特殊設(shè)計改進給銷軸配套加了一套注油潤滑(huá)系統。在高粘度泵正常運轉的情況下通過内轉子的旋轉産生的離心(xīn)力形成的負壓(yā),利用注油系統通過特殊通道給銷軸注(zhù)油,從而解決了(le)高粘度泵銷軸磨損快的這一泵行(háng)業中存在的難題。Another problem of the high viscosity pump is driven gear pin easy to wear and tear, especially for conveying without lubrication medium, pin shaft wear particularly fast. I improved processing technology on the basis of the original company through special design improvements to pin shaft supporting a grease lubrication system. Under the condition of the high viscosity of the normal operation of pump centrifugal force produced by the rotation of the rotor within the formation of the negative pressure, the use of injection system through the special channel to pin shaft oil, so as to solve the high viscosity pump pin shaft quick wear of the problems that exist in the pump industry.
●起動前要檢(jiǎn)查下列内容: 1.檢查泵、齒輪箱和(hé)電機的(de)對中程度; 2.檢查過濾器中有沒有焊皮和金屬渣; 3.檢查各連接部位連接是否緊固; 4.檢(jiǎn)查(chá)管路壓在泵上的力和力矩是否(fǒu)超過給定的數值,如果溫度較高,還應檢查管路是否有膨脹節; 5.檢(jiǎn)查電氣連接的正确性及電機(jī)的額定(dìng)值,并檢查電機轉動方向是(shì)否正确; 6.檢查泵的轉動方向是否正确; 7.如(rú)有安(ān)全閥,安全(quán)閥安裝必須正(zhèng)确, 8.檢查(chá)泵軸是否轉動靈活; 9.泵的内部不能是幹的,特别是需要自吸的(de)時候,應向泵内灌注一些油或(huò)輸送(sòng)的液體; 10.泵組裝時在零件的表面有防護液,如果這種液體不能和(hé)泵送液體相容,則必須清洗; 11.最好在管路(lù)上安裝壓力表(biǎo)和真空表,方便觀察泵的工作狀态; 12.檢(jiǎn)查機械密封(fēng)箱是(shì)否注滿液體; 13.檢查管路的閥門是否打開; 14.如果用内燃機(jī)驅動,請在起動(dòng)發動機前保持離(lí)合器脫(tuō)開; 泵起動後,檢查液體是否進入到泵中,泵是否工(gōng)作正常,如果長時間無液體進入泵中,應停機檢查泵及管路。