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Asphalt is composed of different molecular weight hydrocarbons and non-metallic derivatives of dark brown complex mixture, a liquid, is a kind of waterproof and moistureproof and anticorrosive organic cementing materials.Used in coatings, plastic, rubber and other industrial and paved road, etc.
    中文名 瀝青Chinese name asphalt
    CAS登錄号8052-42-4The CAS login number 8052-42-4
    EINECS登錄号(hào)232-490-9EINECS registration number 232-490-9
    熔    點 485Melting point 485
    沸    點<470 ℃boiling point < 470 ℃< iv>
水溶性不溶于水Water soluble does not dissolve in water
密    度 1.15-1.25Dense degree of 1.15 to 1.25
外    觀半固體或液體狀态Outside view half solid or liquid state
閃    點204.4Flash point 204.4
危險性描述健(jiàn)康危害:中等(děng)毒性Describe health hazard risk: medium toxicity
來    源(yuán)煤和石油To the source of coal and oil
成    分瀝青(qīng)質和(hé)樹脂Into asphaltene and resin
含    量99.48%Containing 99.48%
爆炸(zhà)下限 30(g/立方(fāng)厘米)The lower explosive limit (30 g/cm3)
導電性能絕緣體(常溫下)Conductivity insulator (room temperature)
     瀝青屬于憎水性材料,它不透水,也幾乎(hū)不溶于水、丙酮、乙醚、稀乙醇,溶于二硫化碳(tàn)、四氯化碳、氫氧化鈉。瀝(lì)青及其煙(yān)氣對(duì)皮膚粘膜具有刺激性,有光毒作用和緻癌作用。我(wǒ)國三種主要瀝青的毒性(xìng):煤焦(jiāo)瀝青>頁岩瀝青>石(shí)油(yóu)瀝青,前二者有緻癌性。瀝青的主要皮膚損害(hài)有:光毒性皮炎,皮損限于面、頸部等暴露部分;黑變病,皮損常對稱(chēng)分布于暴露部位,呈片狀,呈褐-深褐-褐黑(hēi)色;職業性痤瘡;疣(yóu)狀贅生物(wù)及(jí)事故引起的熱燒傷(shāng)。此外,尚有頭昏、頭脹(zhàng),頭痛、胸悶、乏力、惡心、食欲不振等全身症狀和眼(yǎn) 、鼻、咽部的刺激症狀。Asphalt is hydrophobic material, it impermeable, almost insoluble in water, dilute ethanol, acetone, ether, soluble in carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, sodium hydroxide.Asphalt and flue gas of skin mucous membrane irritation, has the light effect and the effect that cause cancer.China's three major asphalt toxicity: coal tar > > oil shale asphalt asphalt, before both have carcinogenicity.The main skin lesions are: asphalt light contact dermatitis, skin confined to the face, neck and other exposed parts;Melanosis, skin lesions often symmetrical distributed in the exposed parts, plate shaped, brown - deep brown - brown-black;Occupational acne;Verrucous vegetations and the accident cause thermal burns.In addition, there are dizziness, head bilges, headache, chest tightness, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and other systemic symptom and eye, nose, pharynx and irritation.
    煤焦瀝青Coal tar


    煤焦瀝青是煉焦的副産品,即焦油蒸(zhēng)餾後殘留在蒸餾釜内的黑色物質。它與精制焦油隻是物理性質有分别,沒有明顯的界限,一般(bān)的劃分方法是規定軟化點在26.7℃(立方塊法(fǎ))以下的為(wéi)焦(jiāo)油,26.7℃以上的為瀝青(qīng)。煤焦瀝青中主要(yào)含有難(nán)揮發的蒽(ēn)、菲、芘等。這些物質具有毒性,由于這些成分的含量不(bú)同,煤焦瀝青(qīng)的性(xìng)質也因而不同。溫(wēn)度的變化對煤焦瀝青的影響很大(dà),冬季容易脆裂,夏(xià)季容(róng)易(yì)軟化。加熱時有特殊氣味;加(jiā)熱到260℃在5小時以後,其所含的蒽(ēn)、菲、芘等成分就會揮發(fā)出來。Coal tar is a by-product of coking, namely tar distillation residue in distillation kettle black material.It has respectively with refined tar is only physical properties, there is no clear boundaries, is the way of dividing rules softening point in commonly 26.7 ℃ (cube method) for tar, under 26.7 ℃ above for asphalt.Coal tar mainly contains difficult volatilization of anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene, etc.These substances have toxic, because the content of these compounds is different, the properties of coal tar are so different.The change of temperature has much effect on the coal tar, winter easy embrittlement, summer is easy to soften.Heating from time to tome special smell;Heated to 260 ℃ after 5 hours, its composition such as anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene will evaporate.
    石(shí)油瀝(lì)青是原油蒸(zhēng)餾後的殘(cán)渣。根據提煉程度的不(bú)同,在常溫下成液體、半固體或固體。石油瀝青色黑(hēi)而有光澤(zé),具有較高的感溫性。由于它在生産過程中曾經蒸餾(liú)至400℃以上(shàng),因而(ér)所含揮發成分甚少,但仍可能有高(gāo)分子的碳氫化合物未經揮發出來,這些物質或多或少對人體健康是有害的。Petroleum asphalt is after crude distillation residue.Depending on the degree of refining, into a liquid, semi-solid or solid at room temperature.Petroleum pitch dark and luster, has higher heat resistance.Because it had distillation in the production process to more than 400 ℃, thus contained little volatile component, but may still have high polymer without volatile hydrocarbons, which more or less is harmful to human health.
    天然瀝(lì)青Natural asphalt
    天(tiān)然瀝青儲藏在地下(xià),有的形成礦層或在(zài)地殼(ké)表面(miàn)堆積。這種瀝青大(dà)都經過天然蒸發、氧化,一般已不含有任何(hé)毒素。Natural asphalt storage in underground, some forming seam or piled up in the earth's crust surface.The asphalt mostly through the natural evaporation and oxidation, generally do not contain any poison.
      瀝青材料分為地瀝青和焦油瀝青兩(liǎng)大(dà)類。地瀝青又分為天然瀝(lì)青和石油瀝青,天然瀝青是石油滲出地表經(jīng)長期暴露(lù)和蒸發後的殘留物;石油瀝(lì)青是(shì)将精制加工石油所殘餘的(de)渣油,經适當的工藝處(chù)理(lǐ)後得到的産品。焦油瀝青(qīng)是煤、木材等有機物幹餾加工所得(dé)的焦油經再加(jiā)工後(hòu)的(de)産品。工(gōng)程中采用(yòng)的瀝青絕大多數是石油瀝青,石油瀝青是複雜的碳氫化合物與其非金屬衍生物組(zǔ)成的(de)混合(hé)物。通常瀝青閃點在240℃~330℃之間,燃點比閃點約高3℃~6℃度,因此施工溫度應控制在閃點以(yǐ)下。Asphalt material divided into two categories, pitch and bitumen.Asphalt is divided into natural asphalt and petroleum asphalt, natural bitumen is oil seepage surface after long exposure and evaporation residue;Petroleum asphalt is a residual of residual oil will be refined processing, after appropriate processing products.Bitumen is coal, wood and other organic matter carbonization processing tar after reprocessing of products.Engineering used in the asphalt is the vast majority of asphalt, asphalt is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with nonmetal derivatives.Usually asphalt flash point between 240 ℃ ~ 330 ℃, flash point is higher than flash point about 3 ℃ ~ 6 ℃ degrees, so the construction temperature should be controlled below the flash point.v
    輸送(sòng)改(gǎi)性瀝青泵在開始(shǐ)運轉前,往齒輪泵的殼體(tǐ)内灌(guàn)滿待輸送的液體,便(biàn)于安全啟(qǐ)動。若環境溫度低于冰點,應預(yù)先向泵内(nèi)通入熱蒸汽,進行預(yù)熱處理,然後才可啟動齒輪泵。高粘度泵的旋轉方向要(yào)與進、出油口相符。齒輪泵若是第一次運行,或長期閑置後再使用,最好在空載或(huò)小負荷情況下(xià)先跑合一小時左右。如果在跑(pǎo)合階(jiē)段預先覺察出(chū)異常溫升、洩漏、振動(dòng)和噪聲時,應停機(jī)檢查。高粘度齒輪(lún)泵的支座或法(fǎ)蘭與其驅動電機應采(cǎi)用共同的安裝(zhuāng)基礎,基礎(chǔ)、法蘭或(huò)支座(zuò)均需具有足(zú)夠的剛度,以(yǐ)減小(xiǎo)齒輪泵運轉時(shí)産生的振動和噪聲。電動機與(yǔ)齒輪泵須用彈(dàn)性聯軸器連接,同軸度小于0.1毫米,傾(qīng)斜角不得(dé)大于1度。安裝聯(lián)軸器時不得用錘敲打,以免傷害齒輪泵(bèng)的齒輪等零件。若用(yòng)帶輪、鍊輪等驅動時(shí)應設托架支承,以(yǐ)防主動齒輪軸承受徑向力(lì)。緊固齒輪泵、電(diàn)動(dòng)機的地腳螺釘時,螺釘受力應均勻,連接可靠。用手轉(zhuǎn)動聯軸器時,應感覺到齒輪泵能夠輕松地轉(zhuǎn)動,沒有卡緊等異常現象出現,然後才可以(yǐ)配管。High viscosity pump before starting work, to gear pump casing filled with liquid, facilitate safe launch.If the environment temperature is below freezing, should advance to pump into the hot steam, preheating treatment, and then to start the pump.The direction of rotation of the pump with high viscosity, oil outlet in accord.Gear pump is the first run, or long-term idle before using, had better under the condition of no load or small load to run one hour or so.If in the running-in stage in advance detect abnormal temperature rise, leakage, vibration and noise, should stop check.High viscosity gear pump bearing or flange should adopt a common drive motor installationFoundation, foundation, flange or support all needs to have enough rigidity, to reduce the vibration of gear pump is running and noise.Motor and gear pump with elastic shaft coupling, coaxial degree is less than 0.1 mm, Angle shall not be greater than 1 degree.When installing coupling hammer shall not be used, in order to avoid damage of the gear pump gearAnd other parts.If use the belt wheel, wheel, etc, shall set bracket support, in case of driving gear bearing by the radial force.Ground screw fastening gear pump, motor, screw force should be uniform, reliable connection.Turn the coupling with the hand, should feel can easily turn the gear pump, no abnormal phenomenon such as clamping, then can be piping.
     輸送改性瀝(lì)青泵的(de)吸油管道内徑應足夠大,并(bìng)避免狹窄通道或急劇拐彎、減少彎頭,去除不必要的閥門、附件,盡可能地降低泵的安(ān)裝(zhuāng)高度,縮短吸油管(guǎn)道的長度,以減少壓(yā)力損失。管接頭等元件的密(mì)封要良好,以防止空氣(qì)侵入,從而控制氣穴與氣蝕的發生。止回閥與安全閥在齒輪泵的輸出管路上最好安裝一(yī)個止回閥。這樣在檢修泵及輸出管道時,系統中的(de)液體不會發生倒流。齒輪泵帶負荷停車時(shí),亦可防止(zhǐ)泵倒轉而在其輸出管道内産生局部真空。應當注意(yì),出口止回閥不能裝反或出現卡死現象。高粘度泵的出口管路上還應(yīng)當設置安全閥等保護裝置,這樣(yàng)一旦泵的出口通(tōng)道發生堵塞,就可以打開安全閥卸壓。安全閥可以與泵體或泵蓋鑄成一體,也可以單獨裝配。對于需要正反(fǎn)轉的高粘度齒輪(lún)泵,其進出口管路上均需設置安全閥。High viscosity gear pump oil suction pipe diameter should be large enough, and to avoid the narrow channel, or a sharp turn, reducing elbow, remove unnecessary valves, fittings, as much as possible to reduce the installation height of pump, shorten the length of the oil suction pipe, in order to reduce the pressure loss.Components, such as pipe joint sealed well, in order to prevent the air intrusion, thus control air-pocket and the occurrence of cavitation.Check valve and relief valve on the output of the gear pump tube had better install a check valve.In the overhaul pump and output pipe, the system of fluid backflow will not occur.Gear pump to stop loading machine, can be in the output pipe to prevent pump reverse, and create a partial vacuum.It should be noted that the outlet check valve cannot be installed backwards or stuck.High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.The relief valve can be cast and pump body and pump cover, also can separate assembly.For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve.
   輸(shū)送改性瀝青泵是輸送高粘度(dù)液(yè)體的齒(chǐ)輪泵,應做到在較低(dī)的功耗、較少的洩漏、較大的壓力下輸(shū)出最多的流量。在确(què)定所要輸送的介(jiè)質時,應該嚴(yán)格遵循産品說明書上的規定,盡(jìn)量使用廠(chǎng)家推薦的(de)流(liú)體(tǐ)介質,并注意考(kǎo)慮系統的工作溫度範圍。當希望在某一(yī)較寬的溫度範圍内使用(yòng)時,輸送介質的粘度指數(shù)應該高些。輸送(sòng)介質不僅是能量傳遞的中介,而且(qiě)也是潤滑、密封及傳(chuán)熱介質。液體粘度過(guò)高會增加内摩(mó)擦阻力,降低輸出功率,浪費能量,并産生過高(gāo)的系統溫度.高粘度齒輪泵的(de)出口管路上應當設置安全閥等保護裝置,這樣一旦泵的出口通道發(fā)生堵塞,就可以打開(kāi)安全閥卸(xiè)壓。對于需要正反轉的高粘(zhān)度(dù)齒輪泵,其進出(chū)口管路上均需設置安全閥。High viscosity pump is conveying liquid with high viscosity gear pump, should be in lower power consumption, less leakage, under the pressure of large output the most traffic.When determining to conveying medium, we should strictly follow the provisions of the product manuals on use manufacturers recommend fluid as far as possible, and pay attention to consider the system operating temperature range.When you want to use in a wide temperature range, medium viscosity index should be higher.Medium is not only the energy transfer intermediary, but also lubrication, sealing and heat transfer medium.Liquid viscosity is too high will increase internal friction resistance, lower output power, waste of energy, and generate high temperature system. High viscosity gear pump outlet pipe shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve.
       1、工作壓力的選定(dìng)1, select the work pressure
  輸(shū)送改性瀝青泵額定的壓(yā)力是指泵連續工(gōng)作時(shí)的最高許用壓力,而其工作壓力則決定于外部負載,安裝和調試的壽命與其工作壓力直(zhí)接相關。對于不(bú)頻繁工作的齒輪泵,其工作壓力可取為泵(bèng)的額定壓力,考慮到産品質(zhì)量不同,最好将額定壓力降低20%~30%使用。對于經常工作于較高壓力下的齒輪(lún)泵,其工作壓力應比泵的額定(dìng)壓(yā)力低1~2個壓力級。石油化工設備常常是24小時連續運轉,這時泵的(de)工作壓(yā)力應該取得比額定(dìng)壓力低得(dé)多,且工作轉速也應該低于額定轉速。如(rú)果高粘度(dù)齒輪泵的工作壓力(lì)調整(zhěng)過高,則會使齒輪泵在超(chāo)負荷下運(yùn)行。High viscosity pump rated pressure refers to the maximum allowable pump continuous work pressure, and its working pressure is determined by the external load, installation and commissioning of life is directly related with work pressure.For not frequent work gear pump, the working pressure is desirable for the rated pressure of the pump, taking the quality into consideration, it is best to used pressure rated lower 20% ~ 30%.For often work under high pressure gear pump, the working pressure shall be lower than the rated pressure of the pump 1 ~ 2 pressure level.Petrochemical equipment are often 24 hours of continuous operation, and at this time of the pump working pressure should be obtained was much lower than the rated pressure, and the work speed should be lower than the rated speed.If the high viscosity gear pump high pressure adjustment, will make the pump running under overload.
  2.安裝與試運轉2. Installation and commissioning
  輸(shū)送改性瀝青泵的支座或法蘭與其驅動電機應采用共同的安裝基礎(chǔ),基礎、法蘭或支座均需具有足夠的剛度,以減小齒輪泵(bèng)運轉時産生的振動和噪聲。電(diàn)動機與齒輪泵(bèng)須用彈性聯軸器連接,同軸度小于0.1毫米,傾斜角不(bú)得大于1度。安裝聯軸器時不得用錘(chuí)敲打,以免傷害(hài)齒輪泵的(de)齒輪等零件。若用帶(dài)輪、鍊輪等(děng)驅動時應設托架支(zhī)承,以防主動齒(chǐ)輪(lún)軸承受徑向力。緊固(gù)齒輪泵、電動機的地腳螺釘(dìng)時,螺(luó)釘受力應均勻,連接(jiē)可靠。用手轉動聯軸器時,應感(gǎn)覺(jiào)到齒(chǐ)輪(lún)泵能夠輕松地(dì)轉動(dòng),沒(méi)有卡(kǎ)緊等異常現象(xiàng)出(chū)現,然後才可以(yǐ)配管(guǎn)。高粘度齒輪泵(bèng)的吸油(yóu)管道内徑應足夠大,并避免(miǎn)狹窄通道或急劇拐彎、彎頭,去除不必要的閥門、附件,盡可能地降低泵的安裝高度,縮短吸油管道的長(zhǎng)度(dù),以減少壓(yā)力損失。管接頭等元(yuán)件的密封要良好,以防止空氣侵入(rù),從而(ér)控制氣穴與氣蝕的發生。在開始運(yùn)轉前,往齒(chǐ)輪泵的殼體内灌滿待輸送的液體,便(biàn)于安全(quán)動。若(ruò)環境溫度低于(yú)冰點,應預先向泵内通入(rù)熱蒸(zhēng)汽,進行預熱處理,然後才可啟動齒輪泵齒輪泵的(de)旋轉(zhuǎn)方向要與進、出(chū)油口相符。齒輪泵若是第一次運行(háng),或長期閑置後再使用,最好在空載或小負荷情況下先跑合一小時左右。如果在跑合階段預先覺出異常溫升、洩漏、振動和噪聲時,應機檢查。高粘度泵的出口管路上還應當設置安全(quán)閥等保護裝置,這樣一(yī)旦泵(bèng)的出口通道發(fā)生(shēng)堵塞,就(jiù)可以打開(kāi)安全閥卸壓。對于(yú)需要正反轉(zhuǎn)的高粘度齒輪泵,其進出(chū)口管路上均需設置安全(quán)閥。High viscosity pump bearing or flange and its drive motor should use common installation basis, foundation, flange or support all needs to have enough rigidity, to reduce the vibration of gear pump is running and noise.Motor and gear pump with elastic shaft coupling, coaxial degree is less than 0.1 mm, Angle shall not be greater than 1 degree.When installing coupling hammer shall not be used, in order to avoid damage gear and other parts of the gear pump.If use the belt wheel, wheel, etc, shall set bracket support, in case of driving gear bearing by the radial force.Ground screw fastening gear pump, motor, screw force should be uniform, reliable connection.Turn the coupling with the hand, should feel can easily turn the gear pump, no abnormal phenomenon such as clamping, then can be piping.High viscosity gear pump oil suction pipe diameter should be large enough, and to avoid the narrow channel, or a sharp bend, bend, remove unnecessary valves, fittings, as much as possible to reduce the installation height of pump, shorten the length of the oil suction pipe, in order to reduce the pressure loss.Components, such as pipe joint sealed well, in order to prevent the air intrusion, thus control air-pocket and the occurrence of cavitation.Before starting operation, to gear pump casing filled with liquid, easy to safety.If the environment temperature is below freezing, should advance to pump into the hot steam, preheating treatment, and then to start the pump.Direction of rotation of the gear pump, oil outlet in accord.Gear pump is the first run, or long-term idle before using, had better under the condition of no load or small load to run one hour or so.If in the running-in stage in advance the abnormal temperature rise, leakage, vibration and noise, should machine inspection.High viscosity of the pump outlet pipe also shall set up relief valve or other protective device on the road, so that once the clogging pump export channels, can open the relief valve pressure relief.For high viscosity gear pump need positive &negative, import and export all needs to set up the line safety valve.